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Internasjonale utviklingsspørsmål

Ressurssider fra RORG-Samarbeidet

Member organisations

As per 2008, these are the member organisations of the RORG-network:
  1. Afghanistankomiteen i Norge - Norwegian Afghanistan Committee
  2. Arbeidernes opplysningsforbund - Workers Adult Education Association
  3. Atlas-alliansen - The Atlas Alliance
  4. Attac Norge - Attac Norway
  5. CARE Norge - CARE Norway
  6. Caritas Norge - Caritas Norway
  7. Den norske Burmakomité - The Norwegian Burma Committee
  8. Den norske kirkes nord/sør-informasjon (KUI) - Development Education of Church of Norway
  9. Det norske råd for kurdernes rettigheter (RKR) - The Norwegian Council for the Rights of Kurdish People
  10. Fellesrådet for Afrika - The Norwegian Council for Africa
  11. Fellesutvalget for Palestina - Norwegian Assosiation of
    NGO's for Palestine
  12. FIVAS – Foreningen for internasjonale vannstudier - Association for International Water Studies
  13. Folkehøgskolerådet  - Folk High School Council (committee on international affairs)
  14. Forum for kvinner og utviklingsspørsmål – Forum for woman and development
  15. FORUT – Campaign for development and solidarity
  16. Framtiden i våre hender – The Future in our hands
  17. Frikirkenes Globale Info - The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway
  18. (Norwegian North/South Internet Portal)
  19. Hei Verden! - Hello World!
  20. Høyres Studieforbund – Adult Education Association of the Conservative Party
  21. Idégruppen om Nord/Sør – The North/South Coalition
  22. KFUK/KFUM Global - YMCA/YWCA Global
  23. Kristelig Folkepartis Studieforbund – The Adult Education Association of the Christian Democratic Party
  24. Latin-Amerikagruppene i Norge (LAG) – The Latin America Groups in Norway
  25. Landsrådet for Norges barne- og ungdomsorganisasjoner - The Norwegian Youth Council
  26. LO - Landsorganisasjonen i Norge - The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
  27. Miljøagentene - Eca Agents
  28. Namibiaforeningen - Namibia Association Norway
  29. Networkers SouthNorth
  30. Norges Fredslag - The Norwegian Peace Association
  31. Norges Naturvernforbund - Friends of the Earth Norway
  32. Operasjon Dagsverk – Operation a-days-work
  33. Plan Norge - Plan Norway
  34. Regnskogsfondet – The Rainforest Foundation
  35. Senterpartiets Studieforbund – The Adult Education Association of the Center Party
  36. Selskapet for Norges Vel – The Royal Norwegian Society for Development
  37. Slett u-landsgjelda (SLUG) - The Norwegian Coalition for Debt Cancellation
  38. Strømmestiftelsen – The Stromme Foundation
  39. Studentenes og akademikernes internasjonale hjelpefond (SAIH) – The International Assistance Fund of Students and Academics
  40. Populus - studieforbundet folkeopplysning – The Study Association for Peoples Education
  41. Utviklingsfondet – The Development Fund
  42. Vennskap Nord/Sør – Friendship North/South


In addition to the above NGOs, Norad have agreements with five more NGOs that have chosen not to be members of the RORG-Network. Furthermore, the World Magazine X, owned by four member organisations, have its own agreement with Norad.


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Editor: Arnfinn Nygaard
Last update: 12. January
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