Rapporter, dokumenter o.a.
Her har vi samlet rapporter, dokumenter o.a. fra de europeiske nettverkene GENE, DARE Forum og andre relevante aktører og institusjoner.
Endret: Mandag 30. april 2012
- Becoming a Global Citizen - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Competencies of Global Citizens (Espoo, Finland, 5-7th October 2011), GENE og FNBE (Finnland), april 2012
- NCDO 40 years, introduction speech by Frans van den Boom, director of NCDO, Amsterdam 4. feb. 2012
- Global Citizenship - from public support to active participation, NCDO, Nederland, februar 2012
- Skolan möter världen - viket kunnande bevhöver världsmedborgaren?, Guider och handböcker 2011:7, Utbildningsstyrelsen (FNBE) i Finnland, 2011/12
- Schools reaching out to a global world - what competencies does global citizens need?, FNBE Finland
- The Espoo-Hanasaari Conclusions
- Den globale skolan - Lärande för hållbar utveckling i nya styrdokumenter för förskola och skola, Internationalla programkontoret (Sverige)
- Review of using aid funds in the UK to promote awareness of global poverty, IOC/DFID May 2011
- Development Edcation - concepts and notions, Konsensusdokument utviklet i et samarbeid mellom UD og sivilsamfunn i Belgia, april 2011
- Development Education and Awareness Raising in Norway and the EU: a comparison, report by Harm-Jan Fricke and Johannes Krause (2011), comissioned by the RORG-Network (Norway)
- DEAR in Europe - Recommendations for Future Interventions by the European Commission (The DEAR Study), studie utført på oppdrag fra Europakommisjonen, 2010
- DE Watch, European Development Education Monitoring Report, MSH
- The impact of global learning on public attitudes and behaviours towards international development and sustainability, DEA / Think Global (UK)
- Development Cooperation: The Benefit of and Need for Public Support, Advisory Council on International Affaires (AIV), The Netherlands, 2009