Aktuelle rapporter
Onsdag 30. november 2005
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Her har vi samlet lenker til og en kort presentasjon av aktuelle rapporter i forkant av ministermøtet i Hong Kong.
Generelle innføringer/håndbøker:
- The Derailer’s Guide to the WTO, Focus on the Global South, November 2005
- Sailing Close to the Wind: Navigating the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial, IATP, November 2005
Andre rapporter og briefinger:
- WTO Briefing Papers (serie), Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC), Sør-Afrika
- Trade Invaders- the WTO and Developing Countries' Right to Protect (pdf), Action Aid USA 06.12.05
- The European Union’s position at Hong Kong (doc), World Development Movement (UK), desember 2005
- Truth or Consequences - Why the EU and USA must reform theri subsidies or pay the price (pdf), Oxfam 30.11.05
- Bøndene, milliardærene og verdenshandelen - norske medier og WTO-debatten, Norges Bondelag, 25.11.05
- Benchmarking in GATS - Exposing the EU’s aggressive services agenda (pdf), World Democratic Movement (UK), November 2005
- The economics of failure: The real cost of ‘free’ trade, Christian Aid (UK), Briefing 20.06.05
- The economics of failure: The real cost of ‘free’ trade, Christian Aid (UK), Briefing 20.06.05
- Trade liberalisation will threaten India's textile and leather industries, Action Aid UK, 2005
- Down the plughole: why bringing water into WTO services negotiations would unleash a development disaster, Action Aid International, 2005
- Human Development Report 2005 - Chapter 4 - International trade—unlocking the potential for human development, UN Development Programme (UNDP), 08.09.05
- Norsk, Aggressiv MarkedsAdgang? - En innføring i WTOs forhandlinger om Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA)
ForUM, august 2005